Fantasy Genes and Chimeras
Chimeras: Like Two Horses in One
Rare, Limited, and Closed Genes
General information about Rare/Limited Edition/Closed genes New genes can only be adde...
Fantasy Genes (Under Construction)
One subsection for each family of fantasy gene
How Do I Get Fantasy Genes?
RGS Real money or trade for HBs (what's the current rate? It used to be 10k per $1, I think??, b...
The axiom locus currently has 5 genes: Nexus, Red, Green, Blue, and Wrong Warp. All Axiom genes a...
Onyx is a fantasy variation of the dun gene. It creates bold body stripes and face masks. It need...
Phantom genes are only available at certain times of the year. Full Calendar: There is a phant...
Rainbow Riot 1
Rainbow Riot 2
Tobiano Modifier
Shatterglass (TMSG) Shatterglass is an allele of the Tobiano Modifier gene, available to purchas...