Recently Updated Subsections
Breeder Clubs & Leaderboards (Reuse Content from Category 5)
Discuss what the Breeders Clubs are, and what qualifications are required to be eligible for the ...
Where Can I Get Backgrounds and Tack?
Where can I get tack for my horse, and those beautiful backgrounds? There are some items t...
Using Eggs & Embryos
Upgrade required, Pulling & Flushing Eggs, Embryo Creation and Implantation, Obtaining Eggs/Embry...
Basic Rules About Buying and Selling
General buying and selling information Many new players like to believe that the secret to fin...
How do Shows Work?
How do shows work? Horses on Hunt & Jump earn points for every show they enter. Those points...
Your Barns & Pastures
Your Primary Barn About the features of your primary barn. (Can't auto show.) The meaning of eac...
The Public Auction House
Discuss the following. Remember to link to other articles/subsections as needed. Who is the Hu...
Pricing Guide: How Much Are My Horses Worth?
Discuss the following. Remember to link to other articles/subsections as needed. The suggested...
The Public Sales Board: Buying & Placing Horses for Public Sale
Discuss the following. Remember to link to other articles/subsections as needed. How to find h...
The Foundation Rescue
Discuss what the Foundation Rescue is, and when/where these horses are available for sale, and ho...
Private Sales: How to Buy & Sell Using Chat Rooms
Discuss the following. Remember to link to other articles/subsections as needed. Remember that bu...
Buying & Selling on the Forum
Discuss the following. Remember to link to other articles/subsections as needed. The "Horses f...
Selling Your Horse Back to the Game
Discuss selling a horse back to the game. Include information on where to find this option, and w...
The Lined Horse Rescue
Discuss what the Lined Horse Rescue is, and when/where these horses are available for sale, and h...
What's the Point? How do I Win?
HuntAndJump was created for busy adults. You won't find any grooming, fussy training options, or ...
About Purchased (Real Money) Upgrades and Options
Upgrades And Options HuntAndJump offers a variety of upgrades and options. You can purchas...
How to Enter a Show
How do I enter a show? Free Accounts - simply find the small blue flag icon next to the hors...
Beginners' Bonuses and Achievement Tasks
Your go-to orientation/walk-through. Beginners Bonuses In order to help you get started, th...
Tattoos and How to Use Them
Discuss the following. Remember to link to other articles/subsections as needed. What are soma...
Games, Contests and Giveaways
When you visit the HAJ forum, there is a section titled Games, Contests and GiveAWays. This threa...