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Obtaining Gene Licenses

(Overview:) State what a gene license is.

How it is usually bought (Through the RGS)

Can buy altered horses with any genes, licenses apply to only intact horses

Clarify that the license comes with the horse, but does not expire when the horse does, only if you gift the foundation away. Link to the GE information.

As of Nov 2022, licenses can be purchased at any time for a reduced rate. Why would I want to do this, since to add a copy to my own foundation horse later I would have to purchase the gene through the RGS later at the full price (i.e. paying for the gene twice)? A license allows you to own, breed, and buy any horse with that gene. Example, Onyx is not available in the RGS right now but you find an intact horse with Onyx that you want to buy, to introduce Onyx to your line. The license allows you to buy the horse and breed it with your other horses. Example: an experienced player wants the license for a new gene so that they have it, but would rather spend money on a gene they are currently interested in breeding for.

Cover buying with hbs, both sale pony method and direct transfer

  • Many of our fantasy and Limited Edition (LE) genes can only be obtained through purchase with real money. These genes cannot be traded, bred, or sold between members unless both members own a license for that gene. There are rare exceptions to this rule. (seeĀ Rare, Limited, and Closed Genes)