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What is Dun Factor Promoter?

This article will discuss the basics of Dun Factor Promoter, what it is and how it works in game.

Proposed Talking Points

  1. In Game Vocabulary
  2. The Dun Factor Genes
  3. Restrictions & Availability
  4. Rules of Dun Factor
In Game Vocabulary
In Game Vocabulary

Allele: It is a variant, or mutation, to a gene (e.g., DFP1 and DFP2 are Alleles of the Dun Factor Promoter Gene). Rarely used in H&J language, but seen in this article. 

Co-Dominate: When two alleles are expressed at the same time (i.e., DFP1/DFP2 will show both patterns at the same time).

Gene: A section of DNA that codes for a specific inheritance (e.g., Dun Factor Promoter is the Gene). For the purpose of H&J, Alleles are called Genes. Genes are what give our horses a variety of colors and patterns. 

Gene Modification Treatment: An in-game service that allows you to see and modify most of your Horses Genes. 

Heterozygous: One copy of an Allele (i.e., DFP1/-). See this section for more information

Homozygous: Two copies of the same Allele (i.e., DFP1/DFP1). See this section for more information

Incomplete Dominant: Two copies of a Gene will have greater expression than one copy of a Gene (i.e., DFP2/DFP2 is more expressive than DFP2/-). 

Pigment Density: How concentrated (i.g., dark) a horses color is. Black is more dense than Bay, and Bay is more dense than Chestnut. 

Recessive: Will only show the effect when two copies (i.e., Homozygous) of the Allele are present. 

The Dun Factor Genes


Liver Dun with DFP1/DFP1


Brown Dun with DFP1/DFP2


Brown Dun with DFP2/DFP2

Dun Factor Promoter 1 (DFP1) was introduced to the game in June 2020, and Dun Factor Promoter 2 (DFP2) was added that following October. These genes work together to change the appearance of Dun (D) by adding drippy primitive-like Brindle markings. 

The expression of Dun Factor is affected by Pigment Density, meaning the more pigment a horse has the stronger the expression. Genes like Sooty and Dense Pheomelanin will increase expression, while genes like Cream and Mushroom will reduce it. 

DFP1 is Recessive and Co-Dominant, meaning DPF1 needs to be Homozygous to be expressed, or it needs to be paired with DFP2 for an even louder expression. If we look at the photos above, the horse on the left is homozygous for DFP1, and has a full body expression of thin brindle-like markings. While the horse on the right looks like chocolate sauce was drizzled down their back, but is missing the brindle-like markings of DFP1. The horse in the middle is a combination of DFP1 and DFP2, and we can see the result of both Alleles

Restrictions & Availability
Restrictions & Availability

As of July 2024, Dun Factor Promoter 1 and Dun Factor Promoter 2 were restricted genes. Orange Genes can only be purchased privately in a Chatroom or in an Auction, Purple Genes require a gene license to purchase. 

There was some discussion in July about removing Dun Factor Promoter 1 from Orange restriction, but I'm not sure if this will happen it not. 

DPF1 is available to the public, and doesn't require a Gene License to own or breed, unlike DFP2 which does require license. Year round you can purchase a DFP2 gene license from the sales page ($22.50 USD). 

Another way to get either gene, is when they come up in Random Gene Sales. Twice a month, on the 1st and the 15th, the sales for genes will change. 

You can also have the chance to buy DFP1 and DFP2 on the GMT page during special sales around June and December. They typically cost 15-20 GMTs depending on the gene. 

Rules of Dun Factor
  1. Dun Factor Promoter alters the appearence of the Dun, so Dun (D) must be present. 
    1. Dun Factor Promoter will also work with the Onyx Fantasy gene.